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High Fives




If you are interested in getting involved in your community through one of our ministries and making an impact for Christ, we would love to hear from you.


Qualifications: We are concerned about the safety and well-being of the children we minister to, therefore, all Employees, Board and Committee Members, and Volunteers must agree with and commit to the following:

1. Commitment to Christ

I have by faith trusted Jesus Christ & Jesus Christ alone for eternal life (salvation).
I have publically confirmed my faith in Christ by obediently following Him in baptism.

2. Commitment to Local Church

I agree to active membership in a local Bible believing church.
I agree to faithfully support the church with my time, talent and treasure.

3. Commitment to Spiritual Growth

I will spend time daily in God’s Word.
I will spend time daily with God in personal devotion and prayer.

4. Commitment to Ministry

I will actively support Family Ministries of America.

5. Commitment to Kingdom Building

I will live a Christ-like life. I will endeavor to grow in the grace & knowledge of Christ.
I will build relationships with un-churched people for the purpose of leading them to Christ.
I will practice personal evangelism.
I will be an ambassador for Christ and for Family Ministries of America.




Check out our upcoming FMA Ministries Opportunities.


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© 2018 by Family Ministries of America. 

Call us:

(336) 940-1118

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27)

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